Young Actors Association of Niagara
4519 Queen St.
Niagara Falls, ON
Call us: (365) 366-2109

People - Jarrod Dunlop


Producer (2017-Present), Technical Director (2017-Present), Actor (2017, 2018)

With YAAN: Aladdin (As Storyteller Baki, Rug Peddler, Prince Thor, and Papalon. Also produced and designed the show.), A Train Ride Away (as Director), Peter Pan (as piratewitheyepatchandamermaid)

Selected Credits:

7 Seconds - Director (St. Catharines Youth Theatre)
Hercules - Ensemble (Kitchener-Waterloo Youth Theatre)
Let's Talk About - Ensemble (Ontario School of Devised and Physical Theatre)
Day of the Locust - Carpentry/Stage Carpentry Crew (Humber College)
The Sycorax Brood - Assistant Technical Director (Humber College)

Working at Heights (September 2017)
Scissor Lift License (October 2017)
Standard First Aid/CPR-C (March 2018)
Pyrotechnician (December 2018)

Humber College - Theatre Production (2017-2019)


Born April 12, 1997, Jarrod has always been destined for the stage. At a young age, he would walk around stores for hours, singing songs about escalators (you can ask his mother, this actually happened.) His first real experience with theatre came when he was in the third grade, and played a role in his schools christmas show. Moving forward to the sixth grade, and he was the lead role in the schools musical.

Fast forward a few more years, and he's in high school. He played a major part in the 3 shows put on while he was at Grimsby Secondary School, 2 of them devised theatre pieces. He competed at all 3 levels of the Sears Drama Festival with the multi-award winning show, The History of the World. His love for devised and physical theatre sprung from the education he received through high school drama, and has stuck with him for the years since he graduated. 

Currently a student at Humber College in Toronto studying Theatre Production, Jarrod's roles as Producer and Technical Director of the company are well placed. He looks forward to directing and devising a few pieces in the future, and can't wait to see where the company will go.
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